
Sweet Spicy Eggplant

ソース:二班長(家になくてそのままsweet and spicy saucではなく、しました)、ごま油、ラー油、砂糖、醤油、みりん、コーンスターチ.
 Ingredients: tofu, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant
Source: Tobanjan (I don't have Tobanjan so just used sweet and spicy sauce did), sesame oil, chili oil, sugar, soy sauce, mirin, cornstarch,
Cut the eggplant and heat them!!
Prepare some soy sauce
Add sweet and spicy sauce
Add little bit of sesame oil
sugar sugar!!!! 
Add some mirin
Add corn starch and hot pepper oil and leave that a side :)
Let's bleach the vegetables
Cook the vegetables about a min. and put them in the cold water after drain the hot water.
Let's cook the tofu and oonion~ :)
Add two scoops of sauce and cook them more!
Now, time to cook my eggplants~ :)

Time to eat~!!!
I did my two weeks of laundry, deep cleaned the house, rearranged furniture
and went out to buy transportation tokens.
When I was cleaning and reorganize under my bed, I found a Jazz's creation!
He literately destroyed my bags, shocks, hair accessories, and more!
 I had to throw one of my trunk where he peed.
It took me 6 hours to finish all of them today, and I am exhausted.

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