
Misoshiru お味噌汁

Ingredient: Kelp, dried bonito, dried sardine, shiitake mushrooms, miso, radish, carrots, soy sauce, mirin, white wine, gobo (optional)
 This is Gobo
 Before the water boils, add anchovy and dried bonito
 When the stock is ready, strain the stock.
 Put the stock back into the pot and add the kelp
 After broiling about 1min, add the mushrooms
 Later, put the carrots and daikon
 Add white wine
 Add mirin
 Add soft tofu~ :)
 Add gobo~ (optional)
 Melt the miso paste
 AFter the soup is ready, taste it! If you think something is missing, add some soy sauce.
Yeay~ :) It was very delicious and very relexing dinner after the Bikram yoga and Insanity work out.
I will eat more as a breakfast tomorrow ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

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