
Hmart food court, upper darby, PA

Mandu Roo
7050 Terminal Square
Upper Darby, PA 19082
Normally, food court is not authentic, because it's basically for families or housewives who like to have a snack after dinner or grocery shopping. But today, I was craving for Koreanized Chinese noodles so drove to upper darby with my brother and had a dinner there.
I finished it! lalala~ After the dinner, my brother bought me a cup of bubble milk tea.
Now, I suffering from extremely full stomach, but I know I enjoyed every bit! :)
짬짜면 (짬뽕+짜장면) ($7.99)
수제군만두 ($6.99)








제육볶음 jae yook bokum

Ingredients: sliced pork, sweet potato, various vegetables(onion, carrots, green onion)
sauce: Gochujang (hot pepper paste) 2.5 TBSP, hot pepper powder (1 TBSP), minced garlic (about 5 cloves), sugar 1TBSP, soy sauce (2 TBSP), chicken bouillon cube
재료 : 슬라이스 돼지 고기, 고구마, 각종 야채 (양파, 당근, 대파)
소스 : Gochujang (고추장) 2.5 TBSP, 고추 가루 (1 TBSP), 다진 마늘 (약 5 정향), 설탕 1TBSP, 간장 (2 TBSP), 치킨브리옹 (1개)
ソースGochujangコチュジャン2.5 TBSP、唐辛子1 TBSP、ニンニクのみじん切り5クローブ、砂糖1TBSP、醤油2 TBSP), チキンブイヨンキューブ
Let's start
In a hot pan, add the pork and cook about half through
Add sliced sweet potato
 Add the sauce about half and distribute the sauce
Add the vegetables
Add thai chili pepper (optional)
Serve with steam rice~ :)



spicy seafood KalGukSu (해물매운칼국수)

ingredients: various seafoods, meet and dumplings (optional), green onion, asian eggplant, fresh noodle
sauce and stock: some dry anchovy, 1 TBSP powder red pepper, 1 TBSP Gochujang, 1/2 TBSP Korean sesame salt, 1 TBSP oyster sauce, nion, some garlic, some dry mushrooms, kelp
재료 : 다양한 해산물, 만두와 고기 (선택 사항), 파, 가지, 국수
소스 및 육수: 마른 멸치, 1 TBSP 가루 고추, 1 TBSP 고추장, 1 / 2 TBSP 참깨 소금, 1 TBSP 굴 소스, 양파,양늘, 마른 버섯, 다시마
ソーススープしらす干し1 TBSP唐辛子1 TBSPコチュジャン、1/2 TBSPゴマ塩、1 TBSPオイスターソース、玉ねぎ、ヤンヌル乾いたキノコ、昆布
Let's make the stock first~
Add cleaned kelp in the hot water
Add dry anchovies packed in tea bag.
Add half of onion
Add some shell seafood and bring it to boil about 30 min or more with low heat..
Let's prepare the toppings
Heat the garlic with some oil
add the meat (opnional)
Add gochujang
powder red pepper
oyster sauce
Add eggplants
Add the stock that we prepared a cup by cup and adjust the taste.
Add rest of the onion
Add green onion and korean sesame salt
Add the soaked and well squeezed mushrooms
Prepare the noodle~
Add dumplings (optional)
Transfer the noodle in ceramic pot with some stock
Add the toppings and some soup
Add cleaned shrimps and bring the pot into boil about 2 min (with pot lid on)
Time to eat~ :)
Homemade seafood kalfuksu was nice choice to warm up the cold body.
Because I made it at home, it was healthy and delicious dinner for myself.


Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup

Soup base: 소고기, 양파, 토마토, 당근, 마늘 5-6개, 생강 얇게썰은양, 스타 아니스, 월계수잎, 가장매운 작은고추
Soup sauce: 물5컵, 2 TBSP 간장, 2 TBSP 흙미림, 2TBSP 흙설탕, 2tsp 소금, 2TBSP 춘장
soup base牛肉、タマネギ、トマト、ニンジン、ニンニク5-6個、生姜スライススライスの量、スターアニス、月桂樹の葉一番辛い小さな唐辛子
Soup sauce5カップ、2 TBSP醤油2 TBSPみりん、2TBSP砂糖、2tsp塩、2TBSPチュンジャン
soup base: beef, onions, tomatoes, carrots, garlic, 5-6, amount of sliced ​​ginger, star anise, bay leaf, spiciest pepper
Soup sauce: 5 cups of water, 2 TBSP soy sauce, 2 TBSP soil mirin, 2TBSP brown sugar, 2tsp salt, 2TBSP bean paste
Garnish : Chinese bocoy
Of course you need chinese noodle!!
장식용 : 중국 박초이
물론 국수도 필요!!!
Add meat in a boiling water
 Add mashed garlic and ginger
Add chunks of onion
Add chunks of carrots
Add big chunks of tomato
Add the star anise and bay leaf
Add sliced chili pepper
Add the sauce and bring the soup to boil.
When the soup reduces about 2 cups, pick out the tenderized vegetables.
Make sure the soup is simmered min 1-2 hours
Grind all of vegetables, but if you like to have chunks of vegetables leave them in the soup.
I put the vegetable puree back into the soup. At this stage, the beef should be very tender and able to slice it with tongs
cook noodles according to package instructions
Add the chinese bok choy from its heads frist.
Let's assemble everything~ :) add the soup with bok choy