
Som Tam (Green Papaya Salad) - ส้มตำ

 ingredients: papaya, palm sugar, Jalapeno, carrots, cherry tomato, garlic, fish sauce, lime
재료 : 파파야, 할라피뇨, 야자 설탕, 당근, 체리 토마토, 마늘, 생선 소스, 라임
 Peel the papaya with peeler
shred the papaya
 pound the garlic and jalapeno and add it to the papaya
Shred the carrots 
 Add cherry tomatoes.. (I cut 1/2 of tomatoes)
 Squeeze 1/2 lime
 Add about 1/2 TBSP plam sugar~
 about 1 tsp fish sauce. Mix well~~
My papaya salad is ready~ :)

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