
Delicious instant noodles decreased calories

칼로리 낮춘 맛있는 인스턴트 라면
재료:인스턴트 라면, 양파, 버섯, 파, 계란, 갈은마늘, 버터
Material: instant noodles, onions, mushrooms, green onions, egg, minced garlic, butter

Pre cook the mushrooms and noodle
Drain well and wash with running warm water

Now, in a clean pan, add some garlic and butter
Add the onion and cook it and leave it a side..
In a boiling water, add the pre cooked noodles, instant noodle sauce.
Later, seperate the noodle. (don't wash it..)
Set the ingredients and leave that aside.
In the soup, crack an egg.
Add the soup and the egg in the bowl and time to eat~ :D


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