
Pad See Ew ผัดซีอิ๊ว

I was craving for Thai food this afternoon and decided to make something~
This is the final dish~
Now, let's make it!
材料: Fish sauce, minced garlic, sugar, sweet dark soy sauce, Yuchoy (I was looking for Chinese broccoli, but it was all sold out), sliced beef and thick rice noodle.

I put the noodle into the hot water for 20min.

Let's marinade my beef in the garlic
 Let's make some sauce!
I need two teaspoonful of sugar

I need one and half teaspoonful of fish sauce

Sweet dark soy sauce add!
Now, let's cook everything! 

Beef in!

Noodle in!

Sauce in!

Add two eggs

Vegetable in!


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