
Mápó dòufu (麻婆豆腐)

I'm very busy tonight, because I need to finalize my project, planning to finish finance HW and prepare for EXAM that's due on Tuesday.
Therefore, today's dinner will take less than 30 min to make!
(Make sure you cook the rice before you start! :)
Let's start! We will have Chinese dish call, Mapo doufu.
I don't know what Mapo means, but doufu mean tofu.
재료: 두부, 1컵 버섯, 1 TBSP 다진 마늘, 1 TBSP 다진 생강, 0.5 TBSP 칠리오일, 0.5 TBSP 두반장, 1 tsp 짜장소스, 치킨블록/혼다시, 0.5 TBSP 전분가루
材料:豆腐、1カップキノコ、1 TBSPおろしにんにく、1 TBSPを刻んだ生姜、0.5 TBSP唐辛子油,1 tsp 黒豆ペースト, 0.5 TBSPドゥバンジャン、チキンブロック/ほんだし、0.5 TBSP澱粉
Ingredients: tofu, 1 cup mushrooms, 1 TBSP minced garlic and ginger, 0.5 TBSP chili oil with seeds, 0.5 TBSP doubanjan (red chili paste), 1 tsp black bean paste, 1 cup of any stock you have, 0.5 TBSP of corn starch

In a hot pan heat the garlic and ginger about 5-6 sec.

Add black bean paste, chili oil and doubanjan and cook for another 6-7 sec.
Be careful not to burn those chili seeds..

Add the tofu and cote with the spices very carefully.

Add stock and bring it to boil.

Add mushrooms when you start to smell the peppers

Turn off the heat!!!!!
When the mushrooms are good to eat (it shouldn't take that long), add corn starch little by little.
Stir very lightly and wait until the stock thickens, turn the heat to low.
While you are simmering the tofu, it will be a great time to serve the rice.


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