
Tangsuyuk - 탕수육 - 酢豚

재료: 파인애플, 양파, 당근, 2TBSP 케첩, 목이버섯, 마늘, 오이, 2TBSP 식초, 돼지고기, 피망
소스: 간장, 참기름, 생강가루, 설탕,
튀김:부침가루, 계란, 전분
Ingredients: pineapple, onion, carrot, Auricularia, 2TBSP ketchup, garlic, cucumber, 2TBSP vinegar, pork loin, color peppers
Sauce: soy sauce, sesame oil, ginger powder, sugar,
Fried: frying flour, eggs, and corn starch
 Marinade the sliced pork with some soy sauce, sugar, sesame oil and ginger powder.
 soak the Auricularia in the warm water
 slice the cucumber
 Let's make the frying mix. In a pancake mix, add some corn startch (about 1/3 cup)
some black peppers
 Some salt~
 Crack an egg and mix well
 transfer the marinated meat into the frying batter
 Now, let's make some sauce for tangsuyuk. In soy sauce (1/3cup), add few drops of sesame oil
 Add the ketchup (1.5TBSP)
 add the vinegar
 Add the chopped garlic
 Let's start cooking! In a pan, add some cooking oil and cook the mushroom for a while.
 Add all of vegetables. Onion in!
 Bell peppers in! Cook them about 3min.
 Add cold or warm water (about 3cups)
 Add the sauce that we made
 When the sauce starts to boil, add diced pineapple
 Add the carrots.. and wait until the stock starts to boil..
 add some corn startch (melted in small amout of water)
 Let's fry our porks. In a oil, I dropped some sesame oil for flavor~

 Yeah~ Done :) It looks pretty and the taste was sweet, sour and tangy~

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