
Amazing foot cream! - Alpha Hydrox

In this post, I would like to share my new discovered foot cream that really works!
Honestly, I pay extra attention to my face, because it often break out that caused by the sun lights, stress and so on..
I have very weak immune system since I was younger.
As I get older, I started to add body cream or natural body oil like jojoba oil to daily routine. BUT never really paid attention to my feet.
When my brother and I were in San Francisco, he told me my feet are ugly and look dirty. I wasn't embarrassed, because, often I ignore his commends about my outfit, hair style or diet, because I know he is right. (He used be a Visual Merchandise Designer and now studying space/interior design in SF = HE KNOW WHAT FASHION IN).
I told him that my feet got tan in summer. He suggested me to apply this amazing cream and get it more then 4-5 tubs and have them around. I've been listening to him since and now it has been about a month using it. My feet dead skin started to peel off (literally).
I let the dead skin peels off itself and try not to irritate new skin when I'm in shower.
My toes are incredibly clean (whiter) and very smooth.
Again, my feet are ugly, so I would not post my own feet, but I really want to share this result with whomever reading this post.  

P.S My brother gave me his face pad from the same company, but it was too strong for me; I am using the pad for my elbow and knees. :)
I wish I can share the before and after.. Sorry.. I have frog feet... LOL

正直に6ヵ月前までは、顔の皮膚は多く管理してきたが、body skinは管理していません。
大人になるほどボディークリームやオーガニックオイル(jojoba oil)を添加し始めました。しかし、足はあまり気にしません。

弟とサンフランシスコに行った時に弟が私の足が醜く、汚い見えると言いました。正直に恥ずか開きません。彼はいつも私について指摘するからです。例えば、私のoutfit、ヘアスタイルでなければ食べるのに対して..(私の弟はvisual merchandise designerだったが、今はspace/interior designeを勉強しています。= とてもfashionableして鋭いです。)

私わたしは今度こんどの夏なつにあしがtanなって黒とてしました。弟が自分が使っていたfeet creamを紹介させてくれました。そして今、インターネットでセールしてあるのでたくさん買っておいて断続的に使用しと指摘しました。

今一ヶ月ほど使用しましたね。フィーリングのようにdead skinがはがれています。シャワーのときも新たな肌に刺激されていないように気をつけています。痛くもないです、痒くもないし、今は足の裏が本当にきれいでやわらかくなりました。家に帰ってきてすぐシャワーして足クリームを塗って睡眠靴下をはいていて寝る前にすいみんくつしたを脱いで寝てます。赤んぼうの肌ほどはないのだが、その程度に柔らかくwhiteningされています。

Before & Afterの写真をshareしたいが足が不細工たからuploadしられません。


Drink with me - Raspberry Wine

Right before I go to sleep, I opened my refrigerator for water.
I found my Korean Raspberry Wine and couldn't wave aside the call from the wine.
Well, let's open it! Why not?!
I don't have class tomorrow!!!
자기전에 물을 마시려고 냉장고를 열었습니다. 남동생이 사놨던 복분자술을 발견했습니다. 최근 차사고도 있었고, 차 바퀴도 터지고 위험한 사건들이 많이있었습니다.
전의 블로그 포스트에도 예기했듯이, 요즘 많이 힘든 9월입니다.
나를위한 시간을 가져보자!
복분자를 마시고 집에있는 스틱프렛즐과, 미니토마토를 안주로~
어때요? 나랑 같이 마십시다~!!
아마도 2개월만에 술을 마시는것같습니다.
금방 취하네요.. 역시 혼자 마시니까 얼굴이 빨개져도 상관없어! 알콜알레르기(기침을 많이 하고 두드러기가 납니다) 생겨도 상관없어! 웃음


Homemade Instant Ramen; healthy way

Today, I had a long day.
I went over my project with my professor and was embarrassed by his tips,
 because I found out about my laziness. I realized that I don't put 100% effort to whatever I'm doing.
I thought I've been putting my best but I wasn't.
Anyway, after the real instance night class, I came home without music or radio.
 I didn't even turn on my favorite music, Hanabi by Mr. Children.
Tomorrow, I have some stuffs to do and I know I can finish it right way!(No problem....?)
But, something that I'm very afraid of something..
I'm not running away, but I'm so tired of it. it........? what...........?
Let's eat something.. Okay, it's 11pm, can I eat something?
I'll take a driver's license picture.. hmmm whatever~
Ingredients: Instant noodle, vegetables (tofu, bean, enoki mushroom, fresh egg)
1. Cook the noodle about 2 minutes and drain well. (try to get rid of ramen noodle oil)
2. In a separate pot, boil water and add instant soup sauce, tofu, enoki mushroom and maybe sliced rice cake.
3. After skim off the form, add the well drained noodle
4. Serve (add the noodle on the bowl, topped with toppings, crack an egg)
Dekiagari! できあがり.!
P.S Add about 2 TBSP of spoon milk which will protect(?) you from face swelling.
(this is MUST KNOW tip for women~)
待ちに待った兄のメッセージが来たと思いましたが、そのまま分かってくれる友達が私のtwitter accountがハッキングされたためにパスワードを変えると教えてくれたメッセージました・・・
So far so good!16時まで学校に行って教授に会って、プロジェクトを検査したのに何か教授からからかわれる感じ...気のせいか?17時、Classmate会ってgroup studyして19:30で夕方の授業の始まり!21:45授業の最後の!
家に帰ってきて一番好きな歌、Mr.Childrenの花火も聞きませんでした。ほとんど毎日花火で'one song repeat'しながら聞きます。

Somebody take my moroseness...


Egg Potato Salad Sandwich

재료: 감자 (두껍게 썰러서 찬물에 담궈둡니다), 계란, 빵, 양파 (얇게썬것), 오이(얇게썬것.소금에저리지마세요), 셀러리, 머스타드, 마요네즈
Ingredients: potato (cut in chunk and soak in cold water), eggs, bread, onion (thinly sliced), cucumber (thinly sliced. Don't soak in salt), Salary (thinly chopped), mayonnaise, musters

First, we need to make hard boiled eggs!
Do this first, it will take the longest..

Now, drain out the cold water and microwave the potato until you can mash.
For me, it took about 9min with high heat

Add onion and cucumber

Add about 1tbsp of yellow mustard

Add about 2 TPS of mayo

Add salary and mix well

In a separate bowl, transfer some of fillings and add little bit of cayenne pepper (optional).
If you don't like spicy food, skip this section~

Mash the potato. Please be very careful, the bowl is very hot!!

Transfer the potato into two filling bowls

Chopped the egg and add that in regular bowl

Adjust the flavor with pepper and salt

Make the sandwich! :)

Spicy sandwich~

I added 1/4 of avocado on the spicy sandwich.
Time to set up the table~

The triangle sandwiches (left two) are the regular sandwich and
the squares (right two) are spicy and avocado sandwich.

Another way to eat the egg potato salad :)


かぼちゃの肉じゃが (Pumpkin Nikujaga)

재료: 호박, 감자 (감자를 자른뒤 찬물에 넣어두세요), 양파 (1cm정도 크기로 준비), 고기(돼지고기사용했습니다), 콩
소스: 간장 3TBSP, 설탕 2tsp, 다시국물, 미린 2tsp
Ingredients: Pumpkin, potato (soak it in cold water to remove startch), onion, string beans, any kind of meat (I used pork belly)
Sauce: Soy sauce 3TBSP, sugar 2tsp, dashi stock, mirin 2tsp

Cook the meat with 1/3 of sauce. Sauté until the meat changed color.
It would take about less then 2 min.

Separate the meat.

Use the same pot, add well drained potato

Add pumpkin

Add all of the remain sauce

Add prepared onion

Add the meat back into the pot.

Add extra water until the ingredients are almost covered

Bring it to boil about 5-7min and simmer.
When the potato and pumpkin are well cooked, add some beans.
You will add the beans only the amount that you will eat at this moment!!!


Vegetable Seaweed Pickles

재료: 배추, 당근, 자른미역 (무우, 오이, 양상추가있었으면 좋았을껄.. 우리집엔 없으니까.. 웃음), 말린고추,
소스: 간장, 혼다시, 설탕, 가츠오부시, 다시마
PS. 사진에는 없지만 재료를 깨끗히 씻고 소금에 15분정도 절인뒤, 찬물에 행굽니다. 그리고 힘껏 물기를 짜주세요!
PS. 写真ありませんが材料きれいに洗って15ほど漬けた後冷水で洗います。そして精一杯水気絞って下さい
Ingredients: Asian cabbage, carrots, seaweed (If I had radish and cucumber, that would be better, but my refrigerator doesn't have it.. oh well.. lol ), dried peppers (for spicy ness)
Sauce: Soy sauce, Hondashi, Sugar, Katsuobushi, kelp
PS. I don't have steps of how I soaked the vegetables with salt. Please wash the vegetables after soaking for 15 minutes with salt and dry very well.

Let's make the sauce.
In a cold water, add katsuobushi, kelp, and dried chili and bring that to boil.

Combine about 1.5 Tbsp of salt,
0.5 tsp of hondashi,
1 cup of water 
1 cup of soy sauce.

Add the sauce to the boiling stock.
Of course, adjust the flavor while you add the sauce little by little!!!

AFTER COOLING THE SAUCE, pour it to the prepared vegetables.
I poured the sauce layer by layer.

Chill the vegetable pickles in the refrigerator, and it should be ready to eat tomorrow.
I added my chilly to get more spicy taste later.


Spicy Curry Omelette

재료:카레루,집에있는 채소(잘게썬양파,햄,당근), 계란, 다진마늘, 칠리라유,설익은밥
材料:カレールー、家の野菜(玉ねぎのみじん切り、ハム、にんじん)、卵、ニンニクのみじん切り、唐辛子ラー油, 未熟米
Ingredients: curry roux, vegetables in the house (chopped onion, ham, carrots), eggs, minced garlic, chili spicy oil,Unripe rice

On a hot pan with little bit of cooking oil, add minced garlic and chili oil.
Heat the sauce well until the garlic loose the smell.

Add all of prepared vegetables and ham.

Add rice and cook the rice well with other ingredients.

Let's make the sauce. I don't know how to make demigra sauce, so used curry.
I only boiled the water and added 2 cubs of curry roux and make it tick..

At the last minute, I made omelette.
Again, I don't know how to make round omelette, so used my tamago square pan.

Let's add the sauce on the rice and omelette.

Done! Let's eat! It doesn't look spicy at all. Isn't it?

It was sooooo spicy!!
First, my chili sauce was heating up the rice and on top of that, the 'Extra spicy' curry sauce was giving more heat to the omelette.
Spicy, but it was pretty good Quick dinner! :)