
Ravioli with homemade cream sauce

ingredients: varieties of mushrooms, 1/4 stick butter, basil, green onion, carrots, milk and cheese
Topping and side dishes: eggplant, Ravioli and lettuce
재료 : 버섯 종류, 1 / 4 스틱 버터, 바질, , 당근, 치즈, 우유
토핑 및 사이드 요리 : 가지, 라비올리, 상추
材料きのこ種類、1/4スティックバター、バジル、ねぎ、にんじん、牛乳, チーズ
slice the eggplants and season with salt and pepper
Put the eggplants in the oven until tander. (don't forget about the other side)
Also, I drizzled some cooking oil on the to to help brown.
Time for cream pasta sauce
On hot pan, add chopped garlic and add some oil
When the garlic browns, add butter
Melt the butter and add mushooms that you have on hand.
I had enoki mushrooms and button mushrooms.
While the mushrooms are cooking, blanch the carrots and take out.
Back to the sauce, add green onion
Before the green onion soften, add about 2 cups of milk. I used nonfat milk.
While the milk simmers, add shredded cheese and thicken the sauce
In a mean time, lets cook the ravioli.
Back to the sauce!!
At the last min, add chopped basil
When the basil is well coated with the sauce and the sauce is at the desired thickness, add cooked ravioli.

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