
Thai Green Curry - แกงเขียวหวาน

Dinner : Thai green curry

재료: 2Tbp 타이 그린 카레 페이스트, 닭(or새우), 야채(양파, 콩, 가지, 캔야채), 캔코코넛밀크, 1TBP 적갈
材料: 2Tbp タイグリーンカレー・ペースト、鶏(orエビ)、野菜(たまねぎ、豆、ナス、ケンヤチェ)、缶ココナッツミルク、1TBP赤茶
Ingredients: 2Tbp Thai Green curry paste, any kind of protein (Chicken or shrimp), Vegetables (onion, string beans, egg plants, canned Asian vegetables), canned coconut milk, 1Tbp fish sauce

Cook the chicken with little bit of green paste

This thing is spicy so add it little bit at a time and smell it!!

I added about 3 crashed garlics

When the protein is ready, add coconut milk

When the coconut milk started to bubble, add vegetables

Add additional vegetables
(when you used canned vegetables, always drain and wash with cold water)

When the vegetables are well incorporated, add the fish sauce

Add eggplants


Pumpking Bread

재료: 1 1/2컵 설탕, 3계란, 1/2 오일, 1 1/2-2컵 호박퓨레, 1 1/2컵 케익가루, 1 tsp 넛매그, 2 tsp 호박스파이스, 1 tsp 소금, 1 1/2 tsp 베이킹파우더
 材料:1 1/2コップ砂糖、3卵、1/2オイル、1 1/2-2カップカボチャピューレ、1 1/2コップケーキの粉、1 tspノッメグ、2 tsp、カボチャ、スパイス、1 tsp塩、1 1/2 tspベーキングパウダー
Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups sugar, 3 eggs, 1/2 oil, 1 1/2-2 cup pumpkin puree, 1 1/2 cups cake flour, 1 tsp Nut Meg, 2 tsp pumpkin spice, 1 tsp salt, 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
Dissolve sugar with eggs.

Add pumpkin puree

Transfer the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients.
Mix well and put the better in a round shaped baking pan.
(I sprayed cooking oil in the pan and coat with flour)
400F for 20min -> rotate -> another 17-20min (check the bread occasionally at this point)

Cool the bread before have a bite

I added little bit of my red bean whipping cream.


Matcha loaf & Salmond flack bibimbap

Lunch : Salmon flack bibimbap
On  a 1 cup of rice, I topped with little bit of lettuce, cleaned bean spouts, sprinkled some salmon flacks, an egg, and Korean parsley.
I didn't add sesame oil or Korean pepper paste, but it was fresh and tasty.
The salmon flack has it's own flavor so no need to add additional flavorings.
How to make sun side up egg : Heat the pan with mid-heat with little bit of oil.
Crack an egg, when the pan is ready.
Lower the heat, cover the pan and continue cooking about 1-2min.
Uncover the pan and see if the white part of the egg is cooked and serve.
You will have cooked white egg with runny-flavorful yolk :)


재료: 1컵 케익가루, 1/2cup 설탕, 2TBP 녹차가루, 3개 계란
材料:1カップケーキ粉、1/2cup 砂糖、2TBP緑茶の粉、3つの卵
Ingredients: 1cup cake flour, 1/2cup sugar, 2TBP Matcha, 3 eggs

Separate egg white and beat until fluffy

Make meringue: Add sugar little bit at a time and beat.

Add yolks one at a time into the meringue and mix well 

Add cake flour in about 3-4 batches into the batter

Folding action! (Think that you are moisten the flour)

Add match (I melted the matcha with little bit of hot water)

Water bath time. Put about 1/2 cup of hot water in a baking pot, and place the matcha batter.
350F about 20-30min (check the bread after 20 min)

Making the fillings..
Whip the heavy cream and stop when it's fluffy

Add the red bean (I used canned red beans) and mix well with 'folding action'

NYC Thanksgiving Parade

In Nov.28th, I went to NYC early in the morning to see parade.
I prepared for the weather, but I didn't know it could be that cold and windy.
Also, I realized that people can die with this cold.
During the 3 hours of parade, I couldn't feel or move my knees and big toes.
I could not finish the last 20 minutes of the parade, because I had to stay in a warm place.
I seriously thought I could die. haha..

Oz family~
Some of balloons floated very low.


Pikachu chasing

candy cane had a problem floating, because of the unbalanced wire..

Off duty~ lol

Off duty and transferred by golf cart

Macy's décor ; Believe