
Pork Belly Braised (角煮)

Ingredients: pork belly, Green onion, dried kelp, thick cut daikon, green beans, sliced ginger, 1/2 clove garlic, hard boiled eggs
Sauce: 1/2 cup dark soy sauce, 1tsp mirin, 2tsp rice vinegar, 1/2 TSP brown sugar, 2000ml water, 1tsp cayenne pepper
재료 : 삼겹살, 대파, 건조 다시마, 무우, 완두콩, 4 sliced 얇게 썬 생강, 6-7 slice 마늘, 삶은계란
소스 : 1 / 2 컵 진간장, 1tsp 미린, 2tsp 식초, 1 / 2cup 흑설탕, 2000ml의 물, 1tsp 카이엔페퍼
材料(ざいりょう):(さん)(まい)(にく)大破(たいは)乾燥(かんそう)昆布(こぶ)大根(だいこん)エンドウ(まめ)、4 sliced(うす)()った生姜(しょうが)、6-7 sliceニンニク, ゆで
ソース:1/2コップ()醤油(しょうゆ)、1tspメンリン、2tsp()、1/2cup黒糖(こくとう)、2000ml水, 1 tsp カイエンペッパー

Cook the cleaned and well drained pork belly in a deep pot, and let the pork belly drain out the oil.

Transfer the meet and cool them down.

Transfer the meet again into a cleaned deep pot and add warm 2000ml water.

Bring the heat to high and add kelp

Head of green onion

Sliced garlic and ginger

Add the prepared sauce and bring it to boil

After boiling the pot about an hour in mid-high, add prepared daikon.
Cook it about 30-40min more in low heat.

Add hard boiled eggs and cook it for another hour with low heat.

At the last minute, add string beans and cook about 4-5 minutes.
In a mean time, prepare steamed rice and set the table.


Katsu said...


Go_Sophie_Go said...

Thank you Katsu san~ :)