
Beef Curry - ビーフカレー - 쇠고기카레

Ingredients: beef, vegetables (potato, carrot, onion, broccoli), curry, turmeric
재료 : 쇠고기, 야채 (감자, 당근, 양파, 브로콜리), 카레, 심황
材料:牛肉野菜(ジャガイモにんじん、たまねぎブロッコリー)カレー, ウコン

On a deep pot, cook the beef (med-rare) and set that aside

Add all of hard vegetables

When the vegetables reduce the side, add mushrooms

Add the beef back into the beef

When the ingredients are well blended, cover the pot with water

When the water gets warm, add curry blocks

I also added 1 TBP of turmeric powder and slow cook the curry about 2 hours in low heat

right before eat, add those broccoli, and it is ready when broccoli is tender.

I added some cheese

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