
Baked Chicken Thighs Leg Quarters

재료:양파, 버섯, 애호박, 당근, 마늘, 감자, 닭다리, 소금, 허브 (바질, 오가노)
Ingredients: onions, mushrooms, zucchini, carrots, garlic, potatoes and chicken leg, salt, herbs (basil and organo)
材料:タマネギ、キノコ類、かぼちゃ、にんじん、ニンニク、ジャガイモ、鶏のもも肉, 塩、ハブ(バジル、オルガノ)

소스: Red wine (1 cup), butter (1/2 stick),
Sauce: Red wine (1 cup), butter (1/2 stick)
ソース:Red wine(1 cup)、butter(1/2 stick)、

Add olive oil and herbs and spices as you like to coat the vegetables

Bake until tender at 400F

With the remaining herbs and oil, coat the chicken legs

Cook the skin side down on hot pan for 7min-10min

Flip the legs and cook another 5min with lid on.
Later, add the legs on top of precooked vegetables and bake until they are cook all the way

Add the prepared sauce ingredients on the same pan

Add rest of prepared vegetables such as onion and mushrooms


1 comment:

JackJohnson said...

Thank you for sharing such an information blog!

leg quarters

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