
Chicken and vegetable with Creamy sauce

Sauce -1 cup milk, 3T Cream Cheese (Used Jalapeno cream cheese), 2 sticks of rosemary 1T butter; Ingredients - Chicken breast, mushrooms, onions, carrots, zucchini, salt and pepper, cooked rice (used microwave rice)
소스 - 우유 1컵, 3T 크림 치즈 , 로즈마리, 1T 버터
재료 - 닭 가슴살, 버섯, 양파, 당근, 호박, 소금, 후추, 밥

Warm the milk

Add cream cheese (soften/at least room temp)

Add rosemary (Chopped or as a whole)

When the cream cheese has melted, add the butter

Adjust the taste with salt and pepper
(Keep the sauce pot warm the rosemary flavor melts into the sauce)

On a large saute pan with some olive oil, add pilled and lightly smashed garlic

When the garlic reduces some of flavor, add the chicken

When the chickens are half cooked, add carrots

When the carrots are half cooked, add rest of prepared vegetables

Adjust the flavor with some salt (this salt was my friend's wedding reception gift)
When the vegetables' moisture reduces, turn off the heat

Serve the rice and the chicken and vegetables top with the sauce

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