
White fish and vegetable for Brunch

재료: 생선, 계란, 1컵 밀가루, 1 TBSP카레파우더, 1 TBSP 파프리카파우더, 야채
材料:魚、卵、1カップ小麦粉、1 TBSPカレーパウダー、1 TBSPパプリカパウダー、野菜
Ingredients: fish, eggs, 1 cup flour, 1 TBSP curry powder, 1 TBSP paprika powder, vegetable

Bread the defrosted fish and cook on a pan.
Don't touch it until the breading is all the way cook

Egg -> Seasoned flour



cook the vegetables (I used frozen)

Serve! :)

Extremely easy and fast brunch!

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