
Food Presentation - JapChae (잡채) & Gimbap (김밥)

재료: 김, 잡곡밥 (참기름과 소금으로 맛을 합니다), 계란 4개 (혼다시,소금, 후추로 맛을 합니다), 길게 썰은 당근, 스팸, Bell peppers, 김밥용 우엉과 단무지, 살짝익힌 시금치, 잡채용 국수

材料:金、雑穀(ごま油と塩で味をします)、卵4個(ほんだし、塩、こしょうで味をします)、長く切ったにんじん、スパム、Bell peppers,のり巻き用ゴボウと沢庵,とろ火で煮たホウレンソウ、チャプチェ用うどん

Ingredients : seaweed paper, Multi grain rice (seasoned with sesame oil and salt to taste) 4 eggs (Hondashi, salt and pepper to taste), long strips of carrots, spams, Bell peppers, burdock and radish, blanched spinach, potato noodle for JapChae

Make a sauce for JapChae
Soy sauce, drops of sesame oil, hot chili powder pepper, little bit of rice vinegar, sugur

Make egg batters. It is one of ingredient for Kimbap

second layer... etc...

Kimbap - Cook the think cuts of carrots with little bit of sesame oil

Kimbap - Cook the Spam as well

JapChae ingredients: Cook thinly cut carrots with the same that we made

Add bell peppers as well. Add little more sauce if you needed

Cook the potato noodle about 3-5min., wash with warm water, drain well, and combine with prepared vegetables

Add more sauce and mix well. (DONE)

Kimbap - layer cooled multilingual rice on the seaweed paper

Layer all of vegetables, egg strips, spams on the top.
Hold those ingredients carefully and fold all of the ingredients and roll the rest.

Seems very easy to make, but the preparation takes time.

Preparing my food with picnic carrier...

First layer

Second layer

third layer

fourth layer

I think my classmates and professor enjoyed my dish and my short description about how those dishes were presented in what occasions. :) 

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