
Sadness madness Icy-cold

I baked without thinking
I don't know why, but my mind was somewhere out there walking around with my iPod...

Burned the edge of my pumpkin pie, but it's okay... I'm not upset...
My brownies came out undone, but that's okay... I'm not angry...
I don’t know how I’ll carry all of these by bus, but I’m okay… I’m not sad…

Washed my face and got ready for the parties...
Put mascara and put my lip-gloss on...
Did my nail with shimmer gray...
I didn't look as shiny as before...

I went to school; somehow reading passages seems very difficult...
Got upset!!

Played with Jazz who loves me 365 days, 24 hours, every second
Maybe he just needs something to eat, but at lease he is with me all the time
I saw his eyes... He was telling me something…
"Mommy, you are beautiful girl, but you don't look happy as usual today. But I love you"

You are a smart girl
Self-confidence, your enemy is yourself
Maybe I’m the same person as others, be careful
I want to make my surroundings happy

I don’t like repeating gossip but really what else can I do with it..
Be cool as usual, keep the right distance between, too much thoughts can hurt me

Please don't hurt me...
I've had this enough...

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